December 11-15, 2017
Youth P-O-W-E-R: Committed to the Cross!
I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2)
Prepare for Life (Monday, Dec. 11)
11:00 AM Ron—The Pyramid of Life
12:15 AM: Danisa—How Choices Shape Your Life
2:45 PM: Ron—Discovering the Real You (Part #1)
4:30 PM: Danisa—Staying Fit for Leadership: TRIM (Part#1)
7:30 PM: Danisa—Our Vision, Your Vision
Overcome the Impossible (Tuesday, Dec. 12)
9:00 AM: Ron—Ten Most Important Questions
11:00 AM: Ron—Go for the Gold (Investing Your Talents)
2:00 PM: Ron—Discovering the Real You (Part#2)
3:30 PM: Danisa—Staying Fit for Leadership: TRIM (Part#2)
7:30 PM: Ron—Developing Your FaithWalk
Wholeheartedly Committed (Wednesday, Dec.13)
9:00 AM: Ron—Deciding Your Life’s Vision (Story of the rich fool)
10:30 AM: Danisa—Prayer: Establishing God’s Will on Earth
2:00 PM: Ron—Discovering the Real You (Part#3)
3:30 PM: Danisa—Staying Fit for Leadership: TRIM (Part#3)
7:30 PM: Ron—The Power of the Pure and Simple Gospel
Engage with Purpose (Thursday, Dec.14)
9:00 AM: Ron—Opening Daniel’s Sealed Prophecy
10:30 AM: Ron—The Four Soils of the Heart
2:00 PM: Ron—Discovering the Real You (Part #4)
3:30 PM: Danisa—Staying Fit for Leadership: TRIM (Part#4)
7:30 PM: Danisa—Go with Enthusiasm and Fire
Run the Race (Friday, Dec.15)
9:00 AM: Danisa—Talking Straight from My Heart
11:00 AM: Ron—Escaping Cocoon Christianity
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). -JESUS
4/21/2016 12:00:01 AM by: Ron Susek
By the closing session, a new generation had a fresh view of how to set their vision beyond the grave. Here are the goals they set:
1. To be part of the vision to equip one million Christians worldwide to reach one hundred million people with the salvation of Jesus Christ.
2. To have another Youth Summit, only this time lasting two weeks.
3. To form committees and promote the Summits properly so as to introduce many hundreds more to the FMI vision for fulfilling the Great Commission.
4. To encourage each other daily by establishing a chat line called WhatsApp.
Two days after the summit I asked one of the youth how many she hopes to bring to salvation in her lifetime. She replied, “Hopefully more than a thousand.” Wow! ... Praise the Lord!
Perhaps it is best to let one of the participants tell the story. Her words reflect what we heard from many attendees:
I thank God for this summit because it has helped me to take God seriously, to know and understand Him; to go back to the pure and simple Gospel of Jesus Christ because I had become confused by the doctrines of prophets and prosperity. I also got to understand the practicality of bringing souls to Christ.
I had no vision that goes beyond the grave, but this summit got me thinking and I changed my mind.
It has helped me to find my real purpose in life. With the help of God, I hope to bring more than one hundred souls to Christ, at least here and now.
This has helped me go deeper because really I didn’t care, but now I can find fulfillment in being a child of God. I have confidence now in my relationship with God and have seen the possibility of maintaining my integrity no matter what the circumstances.
Now I know what I am about and will continue in this until the coming of the Lord.
Sincerely, Faith Choto
Here are a few snippets of responses from the summit.
The Great Commission Youth Summit has made me a better person spiritually and mentally. I have become more aware of how important it is for me to witness to others about Christ in order to save them from eternal punishment. MMN
The plain and simple truth, which is the Word of God, shakes you up and comforts you at the same time. EDR
This week I have been inspired. I thought I knew my life, but as for now, I will change my ways and carry the cross of integrity. LC
My dear partner in the Gospel, dozens of similar notes are on my desk. Please share in the joy of this moment. You helped make it a reality.
Danisa Ndlovu, our Global Director, and I are exceedingly encouraged as we pray and plan for the future. We met with church leaders in Victoria Falls and then Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, to formalize plans for Leadership and Youth Summits in their cities. The Lord continues to open up opportunities.
I’m confident you already know that nothing of great value in life comes easily. You are a valued partner in this ministry and we can’t fulfill these great challenges without your prayer and financial support. I know that I have friends who are serious about God’s work and seek to invest wisely.
I can assure you that the Holy Spirit is setting in motion young people who are redesigning their vision and goals in life with a clear focus on obeying the Great Commission. And they are determined to multiply their numbers. Can I count on you to stand with them?