Ortman Newsletter

Summer 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017 by Doris & Terry Ortman

Dear Friends,

There are times when I wonder why there are gaps in my schedule.  In my last letter you read about my trip to Sierra Leone in February.  The next trip to Zimbabwe I tried to schedule in early May.  However, the school session didn’t begin until the second week in May.  I didn’t want to miss both Doris’ birthday and our anniversary so I moved the departure date to May 30.  That left a rather large gap to fill.  I began organizing all my notes from past workshops so I would have something to leave behind with the nationals with whom I was working.  I noticed little gray things in my left eye.  The doctor informed me they were “floaters”, common in “old people”.  I wasn’t thrilled with that reply – “old”?  

About two weeks later a gray crescent appeared at the bottom of my eye.  I wasn’t too concerned, but called for an appointment.  I got one in half an hour!  When the ophthalmologist checked the eye he immediately sent me to the retina consultants.  Laser treatment was done on the one tear.  The other four tears and detached retina required surgery which was done within the next 24 hours.  I had my first hospital experience albeit for only one day!  The Lord did not want me travelling to a developing country and have me deal with a detached retina there.  To repair the eye a gas bubble was used which meant I might not be able to fly even on May 30.  The operation was done five weeks to the day I was to leave.  I needed four weeks for the bubble to dissipate.  The bubble is gone, my vision is good and I depart May 30th!  Thank you all for your prayers.

While in Zimbabwe I will be working with the Brethren In Christ Church(BICC) schools in the Bulawayo area.  I will be joined by my cousin, Carol McDonald.  This will be our third trip there.   We visited four other schools on our previous trips.  This time we will work with the students and teachers in Khumbula Primary, and Siwazi Primary.  We share with the teachers basic educational principles and ideas on how to integrate the biblical principles that are in my curriculum.  Zimbabwe is a very poor country due to their political situation.  We take along as much material as we can, knowing we will be paying a hefty custom fee.  Students in the previous schools we visited had to share pencils to complete a writing assignment!

The Lord continues to guide and direct where he would like me to serve.  I have invitations in process for India, Indonesia and Sierra Leone again and new prospects for Malawi.  It is exciting how the Lord has opened doors for me in areas I never thought of.  I will be working with schools and or orphanages in those areas.  Once in country the sponsoring groups graciously take care of me.  I only have to cover the cost of the transportation to and from the sites.  If you would like to help with my travel costs you can send  a check made out to “SEA Ministries” and marked “Terry’s Travel”.  Thank you for your prayers and support.

We hope you can join us at Central Manor Camp this summer.  Doris will be playing for all the services for her 54th year.  I will be on 

the platform for most of the meetings as the spiritual director.  I also enjoy teaching the 5th and 6th graders in the morning hour.  Arranging for the servers in the dining hall is another privilege we have.  Our servers work hard during the week, but they thoroughly enjoy the fellowship.  We are signing up this year’s team, so if you are in tenth grade or older and would like to be a part of this exciting week, email or call us.

Throughout the year we enjoy meeting you face to face, however that is not possible for many of you. We want you to know we appreciate all of you for standing behind our ministry.  Thank you for continuing to bless us with your prayers, support and notes of encouragement. We know our ministry is not possible without you being part of it.

Terry and Doris Ortman live in Chambersburg, PA. with their dog, Tosca, and cats, Sebastian and Aida. Both are involved in fulltime Christian ministry as faith supported missionaries with Susek Evangelistic Association (SEA), Gettysburg, PA.
Terry’s ministry with SEA has taken him to three continents and the Pacific Rim. Doris speaks and sings for various organizations as well as plays piano in church and directs the J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Chorale, a senior citizen choir in Franklin County, PA.

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